Pleasure riding - trail riding - shows

Choosing the right breed of horse can make a difference in how pleasurable your ride is. Horses have personalities just like humans and some breeds are more gentle, while others are more high strung. It's important to research and choose a horse to suit your riding style.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Arabian Horse for Pleasure Riding

The Arabian Horse
You can find a lot of good info all over the web about Arabian Horses. The info will tell you about how the breed came to be. What the breeds characteristics are. What the Arabian horse is good for and on and on.
Besides the very obvious beauty,  the Arabian Horse has eyes that will steal your heart away. Look into an Arabians eyes and you will see intelligence, pride, energy and above all loyalty.

When treated right the Arabian horse will do anything you ask of him within his capabilities. He will go to the end of the trail with you and he will bring you back safe. He will stand in the way of danger to allow you to escape. He is not just noble, he has the ability to think and solve problems. He is the ultimate pleasure riding horse and so much more. It's almost a shame to own one of these beauties and not work him towards his full potential. He loves to move and perform. You simply won't see the kind of energy he has in any other breed..

He is easy to train when treated well and he will not tolerate any cruelty.   Be cruel to an Arabian and you will lose his trust forever.

He makes a fabulous pleasure riding horse. He does exceedingly well in the show ring. He can put other breeds to shame when jumping and he gives his absolute best in dressage riding.  He can work on a cattle farm or do circles around the Quarter Horse. I guess this is why the Arabian has become one of the worlds favorite breeds.  

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